1- large eggplant or 4- Japanese eggplants

6- oz. Spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce or tomato paste
8- oz. grated raw, organic mozzarella, jack cheese, honeyed goat cheese, vegan cheese or grated tofu
1/2- cup basil or arugula cut into slivers
Spray olive oil
Himalayan sea salt
Sundried tomatoes, black or kalamata olive slices, sautéed zucchini, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, grilled peppers; anything you can imagine…
Slice eggplant ¼ to ½- inch round circles.
Place eggplant circles onto a greased and salted cookie sheet.
Spread spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce or tomato paste onto each slice.
Top with cheese, basil slices and add-ons.
Sprinkle with salt and bake at 350° for 20 to 25- minutes or until cheese is tanned and the eggplant is tender and tan on the bottom.