Katherine A. K.
Well, quite simply, you helped me save my life. You helped bring me through a birthing canal that I don’t know I would have survived if it hadn’t been for you encouraging me. You helped me be real with myself, showing me why I was getting hung up, where I needed to take responsibility and you encouraged me to feel it and move through it all, and ... believe that there was more.
So how could I not share you with my friends? I know your guidance and reflection will be invaluable. Thanks for being you lady! 🙏🏼

Susan G.
Before I met Jo-e and before I began working on my food I was overcome with ulcerative colitis. I tried everything and worked closely with my GI doctor. Nothing helped. My Ulcerative Colitis.
It got worse and worse, I was extremely uncomfortable. I lost all my energy, became depressed and couldn’t go outdoors much as I needed always to be near a bathroom. I had extreme flareups and I was surely getting worse
Then I met Jo-e and she put me on an extreme nutritional food plan, and you know what, I followed her direction, and I began to improve and improve and improve. She called me a miracle, and that is how I feel. Slowly but surely with her help I began getting over my depression and my whole life was/is getting better. She was there for me every step of the way.
Getting better is not a straight line upwards. I believe there are ups and downs, but I am at the point where my food plan will be changing and getting less rigid and easier. I have followed also Jo-e’s direction with the different doctors I have, as UC effects not only the colon, but other parts of my body, Jo-e is helping me in this way too. She is an invaluable wealth of knowledge and information.
Now I look forward to the changes in my body and seeing them get better and better. I am feeling excited about the future of my health.
Thank you Jo-e
Changing my food and paying attention to what I eat has been so very helpful for me.
Sincerely, Susan G.

Gary G. Reseda, CA
5 Stars just isn't enough! Jo-e deserves more!
Before I met Jo-e, I saw about 3 or 4 therapist about depression, anxiety and family trauma. Those sessions were ok, but it was nothing like the sessions I had with Jo-e. When it comes to opening up about your personal life, it can be difficult to be vulnerable and trust someone with your life problems. From the first session I knew Jo-e was my go to personal health/life coach! I was finally comfortable opening up and expressing my personal mental health problems to someone.
When it came to sessions, Jo-e always dug deep into my roots to see exactly where my problems sprouted from. Me! Being a direct person, she always made sure to tell me what I NEEDED to hear not what I WANTED to hear. We started working on the food I ate and what I put into my body to fuel my soul. You wouldn't want to put cheap gas into a Ferrari would you? Exactly. I focused on eating cleaner which gave me the energy to get through my daily activities and not be so drained at the end of my day. The type of ENERGY I'm talking about is MENTAL ENERGY. I literally felt better MENTALLY, just by eating cleaner food. Food is one thing, but we also focused on being in the present. Jo-e guided me to practice mediating, gratitude, and living my life at this very second, not living in the past nor living in the future. She gave me the tools and exercises to work with that I would have never even thought about on my own.
I started from having it all, but being miserable at the same time. I had an amazing career in the aerospace industry, but hated life. Great Job, benefits, medical insurance, stocks, everything you name it. My personal time was very limited and depression came along, so I reached out to Jo-e. I was single for the longest time, thinking love wasn't meant for me. I had a passion in Film/Photography, but was too scared to make the life changing risk. Jo-e was my quarterback to get through this depression. I practiced everything she taught me, ate most of what she recommended, and most of all practiced and accepted that I am enough. I'm enough for myself, others and the world. Today, I'm a freelance videographer, I live life on my own time, I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love, I eat cleaner, and my mental health is better than it has EVER, ever been before. Do I need to say more? Mic Drop....

Linda M. Los Angeles, CA
My dear, sweet, incomparable, amazing, one of a kind, Jo-e. I just listened to our session from yesterday and this was a session I will never forget. Our sessions are so priceless, every…..single…..one!! But this one…. this one…when I listen to it, my heart is ready to burst, it is so full. It was such a beautiful, intimate, giving, sharing session. Thank you for these moments that I will hold in my heart forever. I can’t stop thinking about the fact that we have been together for over 100 hours. What an amazing progression of letting go of trauma, events and old scripts in my life that have held me back. I am so glad that I have given myself this time with you. I truly cannot imagine doing this with anyone else. These moments with you have been some of the most precious and special times of my life. I get excited every week when I am going to see you. You are the best, most gratifying, most precious gift I have ever given myself
Love and Hugs galore, Linda

Jenny K. Los Angeles, CA
Jo-e has done more for me than any health professional I've seen, combined.She's played the roles of therapist, health counselor and life coach for me all at the same time.I was in one of my cycles of depression when I saw someone recommend her in a Facebook group. I've been seeing her for a year since then and my mental state and health have improved immensely.My deep depression has not come back since seeing her and when I feel myself inching back to that place I schedule a session with Jo-e and one hour later I feel like I've gotten a tune-up and more tools to use in my life. We've been working on my generalized anxiety and stress management over time. She's worked with me diligently on my health, which is what she proved was important to work on first. I had been exhausted to the point of tears for about 8-9 years with no answers on how to fix it from any doctors. One doctor told me "most women are tired". Anyway, after adding carefully selected vitamins and supplements to my schedule, changing some habits and new tools for dealing with stress and anxiety, I had relief for the first time and actually had energy. I stopped the vitamins suddenly at one point and the exhaustion came back. We've continued to work on my sinuses and digestion, as well. She knows her stuff. Jo-e also helped me establish a better foundation for my marriage and I think saved us from a lot of turbulence in the future by helping me find stability and a healthier way of expressing myself. My mom told me "I finally got back my daughter from before" and she was referring to my happy and positive self from before I was 13 years old (I'm 29 now, for reference)!
Thank you for helping me be more "me", Jo-e.

Autumn T. Huntington Beach, CA
I love learning how you think and analyze foods/labels and weigh pros and cons about what to put in your body. My previous knowledge served me well, but it's a bit out of date, especially now with all the additives in food and the future (family) plans. Looking forward to continuing this journey with you.
Oh, and also.... After our initial conversation, I meant to tell you how much I appreciated your responsiveness to my inquires on Yelp and then subsequent emails in exchange, followed by the text message to set up a free consultation and Zoom meeting. Maybe it's just my personality (and love of immediacy), but you made me feel important and valued with your attentiveness and thoughtful responses. A few other nutritionists contacted me as well, but they didn't hold a flame in comparison to your professionalism and intuition (with their canned response). Just wanted to let you know - in case you ever felt like changing your process - DON'T! ;)

Ray R. Atlanta G
How do you sum up in a paragraph or two someone who saved your life? I will do my best. A few years ago, I hit rock bottom. I was exhausted, burnt out, severely depressed. I had developed a rash that covered my chest, shoulders and face and up past my hairline. I was put on Steroids, liver cleanses, diet restrictions, teas and tinctures. No one could figure out what this was. I met Jo-e through a mutual friend. From the moment I walked in the door, I felt a shift happening. There a few times in your life when you feel like you're in the presence of something magical. This is Jo-e. We started with an evaluation about why exactly I was there. What proceeded next was the most informative, easy to comprehend breakdown of the basics of nutrition. No one has ever been so thorough in questioning me about my diet, lifestyle, sleep habits, background and future goals. Ever! After a few sessions, I was more educated about nutrition, what way of eating was most beneficial for ME and a game plan that I could adhere to, in the real world, with an intensely demanding schedule than I had ever had in my entire life. No fads here! Only personalized attention and education. She treated me like a real person, a whole person. The rash left. I opted for a Human Design Reading (see her website) along the course of our sessions and a new chapter started in my life. Do it! Talk about eye opening!! Oouff. It will blow your mind. Over the years she has gifted me with the tools for self- responsibility and self-empowerment. She held my hand when I went down the rabbit hole. She shown light on the darkest of my corners and was strong enough to hold me when I wanted to let go. I came to learn about real self-care, how to feed my body and with her help, I changed my thoughts about food and what it means to be "health-full." I chose to walk a daily spiritual path and she showed me how to stand in my truth and what that takes. Needless to say, my life changed. I owe her everything. Sometimes, learning how to truly be brave is seeing that light in another. She is a true Goddess, Empathic, Educator, Chef, Author, Warrior and a total 100% purebred badass.

Mary S. Los Angeles, CA
Jo-e Sutton, Certified Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor, saved my health life! For about 40 years, I had been plagued with reactive hypoglycemia. My blood sugar would drop and I would feel weak. I became anxious, irritable and friends said I looked desperate. I always had to carry snacks with me and eat something every three hours or so. I thought it would be that way the rest of my life. I attended a lecture that Jo-e gave at Physical Therapy works in Santa Monica and was impressed with her knowledge, clear presentation and delightful personality. When she spoke, it seemed possible to start being healthier by choosing a few things to start with and then add on. I did follow her suggestions and then decided to sign up for her one-on-one appointments via video conferencing. We had several sessions over the months and slowly transformations set in. Jo-e explained the foods to eat that would stay longer in my system so that I wouldn’t go into hypoglycemia. It took a few weeks but I could hardly believe that I could go five or six hours without having to go through feeling weak, anxious, etc. and I could stay alert. I had not really paid attention to another issue that I was living with, and that is the issue of regurgitation. Again she told me things to do that would be helpful and I did not have to take medications for it. That, too, is under control. During the process I lost 10pounds and it was not all that difficult as I never felt hungry! I strongly recommend Jo-e Sutton to anyone who wants to improve their health in an easy, joy-filled way and being surprised at a happy transformation.

Malie F. Los Angeles, CA
If I could give Jo-e a star rating that stretched out to infinity, it would be more fitting. This woman completely changed my life! I first started seeing Jo-e at a time where I needed much guidance-health-wise, spiritually, mentally, the whole nine yards. I wanted to work towards being the best version of myself that I could be. We began our first sessions by focusing in on my health, the foods that I had been eating, when I was eating, and how often. Before seeing Jo-e, I never realized how much all of that affected one's spiritual and mental state! I learned so much about different types of food, how they affect the body, the actual chemistry of food, and of course the most delicious recipes, taken from Jo-e's own cookbook! I came to realize, through Jo-e's teachings, the very important link between what you put in your body and your mental/emotional state. This was big for me! Another big change that Jo-e has helped me with-a daily routine that sets me up for success throughout the day. Before seeing Jo-e, upon rising in the morning, I would literally roll out of bed and go straight to my computer/cell phone (I work from home). This would leave me super frazzled as I wasn't taking the time for self-care. Jo-e helped me establish a daily routine/ritual that I now go through every day when I wake up. Because of this, my productivity has gone through the roof and I now feel so much more at ease throughout the day! Spiritually and emotionally, Jo-e has guided me through numerous circumstances, big and small, many of which were life-changing. She has given me so many amazing spiritual tools that I put to use on a daily basis. Because of her teachings, I've become better at communicating with others and I am now not afraid to speak my truth. She has taught me to be a spiritual ninja!I could go on for days about Jo-e and what she has done for me as well as for many others. Her vast knowledge of holistic health, the human body, spirituality, and life as we know it exceeds that of anyone else that I have worked with therapy-wise, or had as a life coach. If you are looking to change your life completely and become the best person that you can be, I HIGHLY recommend working with Jo-e. She is an extraordinary person doing extraordinary things :)

Melanie K. Clarkdale, AZ
Jo-e Sutton, is the universe’s gift to all who choose to work with this remarkable healer. Through her compassion, her love and knowledge of science, her education in nutrition, Chinese medicine, psychology, her participation in many personal enrichment seminars and her own triumphs through medical crisis, Jo-e is well prepared to council her clients and help ignite the deepest level of healing. I was in physical decline when I came to Jo-e to ask for help. My cholesterol figures where in the 300s, I had had cardiac stents implanted to keep my arteries open, my joints ached, I could not walk to my mailbox at the top of a short rise, I was fatigued, withdrawn and depressed. I reached out to Jo-e initially for nutritional advice, hoping to get improvement for my physical symptoms. That was only the beginning. I worked with Jo-e for the next 9 months. Without question, Jo-e Sutton saved my health and the quality of my life. Through our bimonthly internet Zoom meetings, I slowly transformed my 74 year old mind, body and spirit. I learned to eat delicious organic foods that supported good health, I lost weight, I ramped up my exercise to walking a mile a day and learned coping mechanisms for stress and depression. Each week Jo-e would send me an overview of our previous meeting. Her summaries always acknowledged my progress, addressed specific issues and gave me homework assignments to practice before our next session. I keep all her summaries and refer to them often. Something unmanageable surfaces and I reach into my file drawer for Jo-e’s wisdom. I am never disappointed; it is always exactly what I needed to acknowledge and accept. Jo-e has given me the tools that help me find my balance and the courage to step back into life with exuberance and purpose. The caterpillar became a butterfly... Jo-e Sutton changes lives. I am privileged to have worked with this amazing woman. I love you Jo-e and I am forever grateful.

Theresa S. Phoenix, AZ
First off - Jo-e is a wonderful health coach - she knows her stuff better than doctor's I've visited this past year -and she's helped me enormously. Now, I originally met Jo-e 17 years ago when I lived in Los Angeles. She was my rock star hair stylist and free therapist. Cut to many moves later for me, I was struggling with weight gain from new stresses in my life and after a mutual friend re-connected me with Jo-e I saw that she had become an educated and certified health coach - not a fly by night person pitching you promises to lose weight in some MLM scheme. No she's the real deal. I reached out to her and did 6 sessions with her. She really opened my eyes to how the stress was influencing my body's ability to process food, etc. We first worked on getting my allergies under control which I had been to many doctors for - they all just give me pills- Jo-e had me make changes to my home environment - which none of the doctors had ever asked me about. Then we started working on tools to reduce my reaction to the stress since the stress itself was not going to go away. Then eating tools. Little changes that you incorporate that add up - none of which any doctor ever suggested. Jo-e's amazing and I'm feeling on my way to a more energized, healthy life while recognizing there are some things I can't change right now and accepting that. I highly recommend Jo-e.

Andrea G. Encino, CA
I can't be more grateful for Jo-e! I was feeling worn out and was told that I was "borderline depressed" by a school psychologist. I felt scared, helpless and doomed to go onto the path of depression, my mom suggested I meet with Jo-e. We worked on my food and eating habits, which instantly helped me get more energy to start changing things. She also helped me work on my relationships with others as well as creating a better relationship with myself. It completely changed my life, and I felt that not only did I become healthier, but I truly learned to love myself in the process. I now feel prepared and excited to start this new part of my life and I owe a lot of that to her. I finally finished all the food we bought and it was delicious. My family was even surprised with some things, and even started craving the sweet stuff I got. So I just wanted to say an extra thank you for teaching me to shop for better things. And also an overall thank you for our sessions, I feel like a new person who is ready and excited to start college.

Kelly Kay Wynn, Garland Texas
After being misdiagnosed by two doctors, being put on loads of allergy and asthma medicine that didn't help, over the phone through conversation questions and answers Jo-e was able to accurately identify my problem and solve it without any medication! Both of my children have different gastrointestinal issues. One from being on epilepsy medicine and another from an abnormal intestine. The doctor suggested both of them be on MiraLAX for a prolonged period of time. Jo-e was horrified at this recommendation given that MiraLAX prevents the absorption of nutrients. She recommended supplements for both of them that not only took care of their issues but also provided additional positive nutrients for their body. I am so grateful I listened. Thank you Jo-e!

Firestar, San Francisco, CA
It is an honor to be a recipient of a session with Jo-e. In addition to making the yummiest healthiest, vibrant feel good food, you will be in the presence of a true wise woman. You will be nurtured, educated and restored to wholeness. Her genius is delivering a menu of tools specifically and thoroughly designed for you. I always leave feeling so cared for. Your heart and soul will thank you...

Rachael R. Los Angeles,
Dear Jo-e, My mind is spinning. I have never felt so grateful. Thank you for suggesting that we dig a little deeper. I feel like this new knowledge gives me permission to live more authentically, more gracefully and more in alignment with my truth. I see "things differently." Things are more clear. Less muddy. You shined light in some dark corners and the fear that resided there no longer holds it's purpose. Thank you for being present with me and kindly guiding me to live a truly healthy life. You are a blessing! Thank you!

Chris K. Santa Monica CA
I have had the great good fortune to know Jo-e for many years, first as a friend and then as a life guide. Initially I learned so much in our years of friendship just by watching how she dealt with her own life challenges, some of which were huge. Then when I opened up to her guidance, which has always been simple, clean and from the heart, I learned so much more. So these days, even when I see her even socially, I always bring a pen and paper because she shares gems I don't want to miss. Not only does she share them, she lives them.

Phyllis K. San Ramon, CA
Jo-e is the real deal. She is a force for all that is good in life. She is an amazing listener. She gives you permission to be exactly where you are in your process. She validates the very best in you. She is an incredible and skilled chef. Her cook book is divinely inspired. If you want healthy food that is delicious and makes you feel great, look no further. Her direct and compassionate coaching is really as good as it gets. If you are looking to level-up your, life Jo-e can absolutely help you. She is grounded emotionally, physically and spiritually. It's an honor to work with her. Jo-e has brought a lot into my life just by showing up and being who she is. Thank you Jo-e. I can't wait for another serving of you.

Susan M. Los Angeles, CA
Hi [Jo-e and Kelly], I so enjoyed today's show. It was right on for me. I certainly needed to hear every word. It helped me on SO many many levels. Ridiculously Awesome! I am glad Jo-e took the time to explain the 3rd piece of her tool. Super helpful! Thanks to both of you. I feel so happy. And by the way, I never write these type of letters. This is a first for me.
(re: dreamcrafting interview 1
dreamcrafting interview 2)

Kate R. Beverly Hills, CA
Hello Jo-e,
I listened to our session last night. A lot more of what you were teaching and telling me about myself came through! Thank you. I've been feeling quite light and calm. Surrendering to who I am and being vigilant about being 'awake' to the challenges in my personality and power ;)
(re: Human Design Reading)

Trisha F. Newport Beach, CA
I wanted to say hi and let you know that I am doing well. It has been a year now since I first was diagnosed, [cancer] and many thanks to you I am doing really well. I had a PET SCAN on December 13, and it came back clear. I am still following your recommendations and I feel great. I have definitely learned to say "no" and to make my health a priority. I was anemic in the fall and I will have another blood test next week to see how I am doing. I'm adding organic black strap molasses to my morning drink because I read in a health book that it is high in iron. Thank you for showing me that food that is good for my overall well being can taste good as well. I have lost 17 pounds since last year and I have kept it off just by changing my eating habits and my mental attitude.
Thank you so much.

Paul B. Venice, CA
Jo-e Sutton is a healer, teacher and counselor in the truest sense of the words; she empowers us by gently, but enthusiastically, bringing us into the circle of her vast knowledge of the human body and condition: the physical, emotional and spiritual. And she facilitates our journey by gently teaching us the practical skills to bring about our own self-healing. She brings honesty, integrity and clarity to this council via an open and loving interchange of concepts, practices and traditions – and, by the revealing example of her own journey of self-healing.

Gerry G. Encino, CA
Dear Jo-e,
I have no words to express my gratitude. Thanks for believing in me and for making me aware of the little things. The part about being PRESENT is so simple and I found it again. I'm learning to breathe again and I really see how little changes make a huge impact on my life. I feel great and I won't stop now. I have a new journey to follow.

Luke C, Venice, CA
Jo-e is amazing. She is a beautiful person and a beautiful spirit. I met her by chance years ago when she contacted me and my moving business, and after hearing what she did, I knew she was the kind of person I needed to surround myself with. Since then she has become an integral part of my life and a family friend. It started with me taking a few of her classes, then I brought my mom, and she brought her boyfriend, and we all can't say enough good things about her. Any chance I get I try and bring my friends with me when I go say hi to her because just being in her presence is inspiring. She changed the whole way I view food and ultimately, the way I view life. Knowing her has been literally life changing and I can't recommend her enough. I went for some food classes and kinda ended up with a life coach.
CALL Jo-e. You won't regret it.

CJ, Australia
Our session was so informative and motivating. I have always wanted to make the move into eating more naturally and becoming more knowledgeable about how to eat best for my body. The one thing that has stopped me is not having the time to research for myself and wanting something that is tailored for my body based on what is going to work best for me and my lifestyle - not a one size fits all scenario! Jo-e is SO knowledgeable about what she does and I love that she has created suggestions and provided information based on what she knows about me, what I like to eat and most importantly what my body needs. I have made some small changes and already feel so much better. I love this new lifestyle, the wealth of information Jo-e has already provided, and I thank her for motivating me to finally make the move!!! 5 stars all the way!!

Tom F. Newport, CA
Say Hey Jo-e!! It was a lovely call...My wife hung up smiling, having found someone who offers positive vibrations (aka. direction!) and a helpful demeanor! It is a blessing for us, to be able to hear a sane voice, drifting in from the wilderness of a confusing diagnosis....a breath of fresh air, of hope, and of direction...we just needed a lead, someone to help point us in the right direction to help make the better choices, someone who has walked this difficult path of traditional medicine, which is still 50% or more 'educated guessing', and you provided this beginning, so nicely earlier today...thank you sooooo much...
Appreciate your time and knowledge.

Suzanne Rock, Reseda, CA
Hello Jo-e, ever since you made the request that I feed myself like a mother would feed her child, it has made a lasting impact. I have done that everyday since we spoke about it. I also decided not to get on a scale but to simply know that there's been a shift because I need to buy new, smaller clothes. Feeling in love with myself on a whole new level. Thank you for being a stand for health and vitality.

Julie Sullivan, Whittier, CA
Jo-e Sutton is a certified holistic health counselor, CHHC. Her business, Love your Way to health, is a must see for anyone who is having issues with their health or primary relationships. She is the real deal having healed herself from severe health problems. Every month I purchase a freezer full of her healthy "green" shakes that she calls Jo Jo's Mojo. They taste like a chocolate shake but have nothing but "greens" like spinach and kale, almond milk and dates plus other healthy stuff. Sooo healthy but also sooo tasty. Everything is organic too! She is the recipe queen for good eating! A poem for Jo-e
A poem for Jo-e
Love Your “Way” to Health
Jo-e Sutton is an advocate for harmony and health
She’ll tell you that it far outweighs the benefits of wealth
A holistic counselor and author she’ll take you under her soft wing
And you’ll gain a lot of wisdom with the support that she will bring
She is wildly passionate about whole natural foods
And is not a fan of sugar since it tinkers with your moods
But her cooking demonstrations show how good whole foods can taste
The sooo delicious recipes won’t leave a morsel left to waste
She makes the most delicious shakes but not out of ice creams
You’d swear that they were chocolate but only veggies, dates and greens!
She teaches simple strategies that bolster healing and self-care
Accountability’s a must, the most important thing she’ll share!
Helping people who daily struggle with preventable disease
She promotes a use of baby steps to” level up” that path with ease
Eating sustainable quality foods is not first on the list
Loving connections with family and friends, number one and not to be missed!
Classes in Cooking, Mindfulness, Human Design, are offered if you ask
Each one can add more wisdom and help with daily tasks
Jo-e Sutton is an advocate of all the ways to love yourself
So come along and join us as we Love Our “Way” to Health!

Celine P. Pasadena, CA
I attended one of Jo-e's W-holistic health class series and enjoyed every single second of it. She gave the class tips for a healthy lifestyle, made delicious juice, and an easy kale salad. I even made the kale salad at home because it was so easy to make. At the end of the class she left us a quote that I love so much. She said "don't think about the past or future because all you're doing is stressing yourself out and redoing the past, just think about the present ". Thank you so much Jo-e for the healthy lifestyle recipes and giving an inspirational quote.

Robyn P. Highland Park, CA
I began taking Jo-e's classes and they have changed me for the better. Not only did Jo-e teach me how to live better nutrition wise, she also helped me emotionally and spiritually. With every class, I became more and more immersed into changing my negative habits for the better. After putting everything that I learned from her classes into my everyday life, I lost 20 pounds and could not be any more proud of myself. I started to see life as a rewarding opportunity with many possibilities, and for that, I am thankful for all that Jo-e and her class has done for me.