Free Holistic Health Talk
August 24, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
at Physical Therapyworks
719 Santa Monica Blvd. SM CA 90403
Thank you for your interest in the power of choice you have to express toward your own health. I'm Jo-e Sutton, certified holistic health counselor. I believe in whole life health that starts from the very materials that we put in our mouths, to the thoughts we think, the actions we take, our relationships and careers and our sense of spirit or nature.
Whole life health is achieved from watering, weeding and fertilizing all aspects of our lives. If we want a full and complete meal, we must have a well rounded plate. The same is true for having a full and complete life.
This talk covers the real basic necessities to understand how to identify real, whole food that is unadulterated, natural, pure and without chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, genetic modification and is whole, safe and nutritious.
There is no One Size Fits All diet for everyone. I believe in bio-individuality. Bio means that you are a natural being and individual, means there is no one like you and therefore what your body needs is different than what someone else needs.
I support you to learn what is right for you and to learn to open and heal the parts of the psyche that may block real healing.

This talk provides some vital facts regarding identifying real food. You can meet me, get a sense of how I work, ask questions and leave with some power over your own life. I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation if you are called to run your issues by me and see if we are a fit to work together.
Thank you for visiting. Please fee free to peruse this site and get a sense of me. Or, just show up at the talk and I look forward to seeing you then. Please don't forget to RSVP as seats are limited. Take good care... Jo-e